3 Reasons Triathletes Fail

marginal gains

IRONMAN AustriaIts amazing that there are basically 3 reasons triathletes fail and don't then achieve the triathlon goals they set out to achieve.

Are you taking on the challenge of a Triathlon this season?  Lets prepare you to achieve your goals, whatever those goals may be: finish your first ironman, complete a 70.3, get fit, qualify for the age-group worlds or perhaps qualify for the Hawaii Ironman.

Don't make the mistakes that so many athletes make.  Your goal is way more achievable than you think.

What are the 3 main reasons Triathletes fail to achieve their goals?

1 - Structured Bespoke Coached Training Program

Athletes don't follow a structured, personalised, time specific triathlon training program. By going it alone they will end up not doing enough or more likely end up doing too much.

2 - Training too hard or too easy

Triathletes typically run too hard in their easy sessions and too easy in the hard sessions. Training at the correct intensity is vital. You will never race to your full potential if you do not train at the correct pace.

3 - Don't use a qualified coach

Without a coach, when they need it, there is no one to support them, assist them or hold them accountable.  Why did you go too hard in this session?  How did the legs feel during the intervals?  Your shoulder is sore... leave the swim this week... we don't want to make it worse?

In over 15 years of coaching Triathletes I have empowered triathletes to achieve personal bests, complete an Ironman, qualify for age-group teams and race at the Hawaii Ironman.

I will provide guidance and specific training sessions for optimal performance.  Consistent athlete-feedback is encouraged, and your coach will respond to promptly.

This is what you'll get...

1. Personalised Training Plan: At F4L Triathlon Coaching I believe every athlete is different. Your training program is created around your lifestyle and goals. Not the other way around.

2. Specific goals: Train with a goal in mind. We will help you target the right goal for you.

3. Regular review of your training plan and power and/or heart rate files (depending on the coaching package)

You’re just weeks away from your best triathlon season ever:


Paul Jones - F4L Triathlon CoachingProfessional Coach Paul Jones is a British Triathlon Federation Level 3 Coach and a Triathlon Australia Performance Coach.

He is also an IRONMAN Certified Coach and a Level 2 Training Peaks Coach.

F4L Triathlon Coaching offers triathletes and other endurance athletes a full coaching and training service that caters to all levels of triathletes.  F4L offers professional triathlon and endurance training support and the reliability triathletes require.  Each athlete is an individual, every athlete has different needs. Coach Paul and F4L provide you with 15 years experience and professional coaching.

Interested in being coaching by Paul.  Drop him a line: