Introducing F4L athlete – Neil


I first met Neil back in 2011 when I was doing some coaching in North Northumberland!  So good to have him within the F4L Triathlon Coaching Team.  Let's introduce him:

Why do you do Triathlon:  Need the challenge!

What is your sporting back ground: Former sprint/Olympic triathlete. Been hitting CrossFit hard since 2014.

What attracted you to F4L: Knew Paul since 2011 - like his style + the track record! Friends old & new talk highly of him.

What are your targets: Mallorca 70.3 5:59 Barca full iron 12:59

Favourite motivational quote: "The softer you are on yourself, inevitably the softer you will become! Anyone of us can be a savage, you just have to be willing to do what others don’t want to do! Stay hard!" - David Goggins 

Favourite training song / music track: "Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones


Paul Jones - F4L Triathlon Coaching

Professional Coach Paul Jones is a British Triathlon Federation Level 3 Coach and a Triathlon Australia Performance Coach.

He is also an IRONMAN Certified Coach and a Level 2 Training Peaks Coach.

F4L Triathlon Coaching offers triathletes and other endurance athletes a full coaching and training service that caters to all levels of triathletes.  F4L offers professional triathlon and endurance training support and the reliability triathletes require.  Each athlete is an individual, every athlete has different needs. Coach Paul and F4L provide you with 15 years experience and professional coaching.